IV Glutathione


Glutathione is considered the master antioxidant in the body. It is an extremely important molecule found in every human cell and acts as the main intracellular protector against oxidative stress. Glutathione is a substance made from three amino acids: cysteine, glutamate and glycine. It acts by preventing damage to important cellular components and combats reactive oxygen species such as free radicals, peroxides and heavy metals. Glutathione (GSH) acts as our body’s most powerful antioxidant – both directly & indirectly – to preserve and protect ALL cells in the body from “rusting” or oxidation.

Because Glutathione is 1 of only 4 main “anti-rusting”/anti-oxidative systems in our body, inadequate levels of intracellular GSH can be devastating! In fact, nearly EVERY CHRONIC, DEBILITATING HUMAN DISEASE IS ASSOCIATED WITH LOW GLUTATHIONE! This is not to imply an absolute causal relationship, but there is no doubt some value in this information. GSH can directly act as a powerful antioxidant by accepting protons from ROS/free radicals, thus neutralizing their ability to cause cellular damage. It can also act as a “secondary anti- oxidant” via “recycling” vitamins C & E, which in turn act to neutralize free radical damage to our cells and DNA.

Glutathione or GSH is the primary protectant of skin, lens, cornea, and retina against radiation damage, as well as, detoxification pathways in the liver, kidneys, lungs, intestinal, skin and other organs that help our bodies to rid itself of everyday toxin exposure (chemicals, drugs, metabolic waste, radiation and even carcinogens.) The majority of chronic, neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis) have even been linked to low glutathione levels!


  • Athletes—increases strength and endurance, decreases recovery time and decreases damage done to injured muscles
  • Aging—reduces appearance of aging
  • Cancer and cancer prevention
  • Detox—aids in liver detoxification and detoxification of heavy metals and free radicals
  • Heart disease
  • Dementia
  • Chronic disease


Because GSH has very poor absorption and is quickly broken down by protease enzymes when taken orally. The IV delivery of GSH is far superior and can be actively utilized by the cells.


Glutathione is typically administered as a push at the end of other IV treatments.