Naturopathic Primary Care

Live Well Wellness Center is an integrative medical practice that puts patient care at its core. By working with our naturopathic medical doctors you will experience individualized treatments that focus on treating the whole body and finding the root cause of disease.


Our physicians will spend up to an hour and a half with you during your first visit with us. This allows for plenty of time to get a detailed history of your chief complaint, conduct a comprehensive physical exam and order any lab work or testing that is necessary.


Naturopathic medicine can be very beneficial at both treating and preventing acute illnesses. While our physicians are able to prescribe antibiotics and other medications when necessary, they try to use other modalities when possible to help strengthen the immune system and fight the infection. These modalities can include but are not limited to botanical medicine, acupuncture, and nutrient therapy. Often times our patients find that they can prevent seasonal illnesses from occurring. If they get sick, they have fewer symptoms and a shorter duration of illness.

Some acute conditions that we treat are:

  • Cold and Flu

  • Bronchitis

  • Ear infections

  • Sinus infections

  • Gastroenteritis

  • Sore throat

  • Fever


Chronic disease is where naturopathic medicine really shines. Because naturopathic medical doctors are trained to look at the whole person, body, mind and spirit, they take into account all of the symptoms a patient is experiencing and look to discover how they are all connected. One thing we often hear from patients who see us is “I came to you because no one else could help me find answers.” Using a multi-disciplinary approach, we work with our patients to optimize lifestyle and utilize safe and effective integrative therapies to get our patients back to their best selves. We will also work with your specialists to help come up with an optimal and integrative treatment plan. With chronic disease being such a widespread epidemic in the United States, we work at teaching our patients preventative measures to ensure that they are at their healthiest self.

Some of the chronic diseases we treat are:

  • Hormonal disorders–thyroid, adrenal, menopause, andropause, infertility, PCOS

  • GI Disorders–SIBO, systemic candida, IBS, IBD, parasites

  • Autoimmune disease–Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease

  • Chronic infections–Lyme disease and coinfections, Epstein-Barr Virus, Herpes Zoster, mold exposure

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Cancer–adjunctive cancer treatment and prevention

  • Pain–Osteoarthritis, joint pain, fibromyalgia, gout

  • Sexual dysfunction–low libido, erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease


What makes Live Well unique is its partnership with Warner Family Practice. Dr. Merle Turner founded Warner Family Practice in 1983 with an emphasis on prevention of chronic disease. He opened Live Well in 2016 in order to offer his patients further preventative measures to help fight chronic disease.


We have access to an in house lab as well as many other ancillary services including ultrasound, DEXA, X-ray, and EKG. This makes it very convenient for our patients because they will not have to drive all over town to get their labs and imaging run.

Make an appointment today to experience the difference that Live Well Wellness Center can offer.

5 Questions About Cold and Flu Season

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Michelle Pike, NMD

Gut Health Specialist & Hormone Optimization

Jessica Schrand, NMD
Chronic Disease & Hormone Optimization